Wakker Dier

advocate for the forgotten animals in factory farming

Wakker Dier is an animal welfare organization founded in 1997 and based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Supported by over forty thousand loyal donors, our team works tirelessly to improve the life of animals in factory farming. On this page, you can learn more about our mission, our campaigns, and how you can contribute to our work for the animals.

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    Wakker Dier's mission

    A dignified life for all animals in livestock farming: that is our dream. Read more about Wakker Dier's dream and mission.

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    our campaigns

    Wakker Dier Wakker Dier is currently running several campaigns for the animals in factory farming. Learn about our main campaigns here.

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    What is factory farming?

    Factory farming is high production at the expense of animal welfare. Read more about factory farming in the Netherlands.

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help the animals in factory farming

Animals in factory farming have a terrible life. Will you help put an end to this?